1947 Road Work

It’s 1947 and the State is paving the highway between Port Byron and Weedsport. These photo’s were sent to me by Carol Ayers.

Carol writes; “There pictures were taken from his home on 26 Rochester Street by Arthur Dixon who was a heating and plumber contractor for a number of years in Port Byron. Not sure what is going on here but I presume rebuilding Route 31 or maybe a storm, perhaps someone will know when it is in the paper.

– Looking east near the intersection of Main and Rochester Streets. On the left side of Rochester Street was where Clyde Miller had a grocery store. Later on, Walt Ware had moved his store from Main Street to this location. He had the newspaper, sold TV’s, etc. Looking over on Main Street, facing Rochester Street is where Guzzo had a pool room. Next, to the left was McNair Restaurant, on down to the Betty Lou Restaurant. The Gingsburgh Factory was up on the second floor, then on down the street was the Bob Lowe Store, who sold jewelry and mens clothing. In the foreground is the corner of Main and Rochester. On the right was Macende’s Barber Shop and in the back was Carl Smiths Garage.”

– This is looking west down Rochester Street. On the right side of the street ins the Larkin residence. In the background you can see the steeples of the Episcopal Church and the Catholic Church.