Lockwood GAR Monument

 I found this photo in the files and thanks to Bill Hecht, we can see it fairly clearly. I thought it was a gathering of the GAR, and it appears this is so. Below is the photo I took today of the same setting. This is the Lockwood Post GAR monument in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. 
Dawn Roe, Village Historian helps to fill in the details. She feels that the photo was taken between 1903-1913 based on the dates of the stones in the fore ground. They are dated 1901 and 1902 and the grass is well grown in. And the stones on the right side are not yet there, which were installed after 1913. Also, Richard Warren is in the photo, and he died in 1914. This is a good bit of cemetery sleuthing, and we thank Dawn for this valuable info. 
The paper shows the date as September 27, 1893, although another article says the dedication took place on Sept 20, 1893.