More Mosquito Point

This is the old Mosquito Point bridge which has been seen here on this blog before. Don Gallagher made these notes; “Mosquito Point, Port Byron on Route 38. Picture taken looking east. Taken before 1918 when the Barge Canal opened. Hotel in left of picture was owned by Don Gallagher until 1965. This bridge has been torn down and replaced in 1966.”

Note the railroad tracks in the fore ground, which was part of the reconstruction of this area. The Owasco Outlet once emptied into the Seneca at this point, but had to be moved in order to allow the canal to be cut across Haiti Island. Before this, Haiti was a three sided island, really a point of land into the river. The barge canal turned it into a true island. Today, this area is covered with trees and camps, and the State boat launch.